Sundays at 10:30am + 1pm

Welcome to Celebration Church in Toronto!
If you live in the Greater Toronto area, and are new to the church, we would be honoured to mail you a free copy of Pastor Peter Youngren's book: THE FAITH THAT WORKS

190 Railside Road, Toronto, ON
M3A 1A3

Founding Pastor
Biography of Peter Youngren
Peter Youngren is the Founder of Celebration Church in Toronto, and World Impact Ministries, an international Christian organization with outreaches in more than 100 nations. In recognition of his success in Gospel ministry in non-Christian nations, Ministry Today listed Youngren as one of the most influential international evangelists of the 20th century. Youngren studied at Zion Bible College, Rhode Island, USA, and launched his Gospel ministry immediately after. He became an ordained Christian Minister in 1982. In 2001, he obtained a Doctorate of Philosophy in Biblical studies from Florida Christian University, followed by an Honorary Degree of Christian Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration in 2002. Youngren is married to Taina, and they work together in the ministry.
Church Ministry Leaders
You will discover an environment that is encouraging, positive, and welcoming. What makes the TICC so attractive to many is the non-condemning, non-religious message, that Christ is for all people. The preaching/teaching ministry is lead by world acclaimed pastor/evangelist, Peter Youngren ( along with Nathan Thurber. Peter Youngren founded the church in 2,000, and now shares the preaching/ministry time with Nathan Thurber. Nathan Thurber has worked with Peter Youngren for over 20 years.
Children are taught the Scriptures in their own classrooms though the Kids World ministry.
Individual classes:
*Parent Room - with live video feed of worship service
*Grade 1-5
*Grade 6-8
All teachers in Kids World are certified and background checked, for for the safety of the child. An electronic check-in/out system is used before/after service. Doors open for Kids World Sundays at 10:00AM. Andrea Yousif leads the Kids World ministry.
Each service begins with contemporary music, but also hymns. Songs are carefully chosen to complement the teaching/preaching non-condemning, non-religious message of Christ Jesus. In most services you will have the option to receive the Holy Communion. Jermaine Shakespeare leads the worship ministry.
Reign Toronto, a ministry of youth & youth adults, gathering weekly to build a relationship with God, through Teaching, Worship, Discipleship & Community. Our ministry is founded upon Romans 5:17, where we are learning to REIGN in life through Christ. Carrie John leads the Reign youth & young adult ministry.
To reveal the Gospel of God’s grace in Jesus Christ for all people.
To provide a family environment where everyone can find a place of belonging.
To encourage growth in the knowledge of Jesus Christ so that believers can enjoy successful lives.
To send equipped believers into purposeful service for God in all areas of society and into all the world.
The Toronto International Celebration Church (TICC) was launched the second Sunday of September, 2000. For two years prior, the Lord had been speaking to Pastor Peter Youngren again and again about launching a church in Toronto. Already that first Sunday there was a sense of the prophetic fulfillment of a church birthed by a word from God.
For the first four years, services were held at the Korean Garden Church, until the end of 2004, when the current facilities at 190 Railside were opened. From the beginning, the church has been established on the revelation of the grace of Jesus Christ, and each individual member is encouraged to discover and pursue the gifts that God has placed in them.
The word “international” has always been significant to TICC. During any service you will notice people from all around the world who come together in a common cause of growing in the knowledge of Jesus, and sharing His love with others.
We Believe…
…in one God, revealed in three Persons; Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
…that the Bible is God’s inspired Word; it is our guide, and the supreme revelation of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.
…that Jesus Christ is both God and Man, conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, led a sin-less life, took all our sins upon Himself, died and rose again. Today, He is seated at the right hand of the Father as our High Priest and Mediator.
… that sin has darkened the minds of all people so that they cannot see God, but that Christ came in order that people’s inward eyes would be opened to see who God is and what God has done through Jesus Christ.
…that salvation is a gift freely given to all, who repent (change one’s mind) from self-effort works that do not produce righteousness and come to God, by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Salvation is a new life in Christ and this life produces works pleasing to God.
…that water baptism is a declaration of the cleansing power of God and a testimony of our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
…that the Holy Spirit is our Comforter, who brings to our remembrance who Christ is and what Christ has done. He also blesses us with spiritual gifts and empowers us to yield the fruit of the Spirit.
…that the Holy Communion is a celebration of Jesus’ death, and our remembrance of Him.
…that Christ’s death, resurrection and exaltation to the right hand of the Father constitutes finished work of Christ, whereby all believers receive abundant and eternal life.
…that believers are called to preach the gospel of Christ, the word of reconciliation, to all nations, and that this is the supreme task of the church.
…in the return of our Lord Jesus Christ, the resurrection of the dead and the final judgment by Jesus Christ according to the gospel.
About TICC
About TICC

About Holy Communion

About Divine Healing

About the Baptisim of the Holy Spirit